A fresh new look

Just about one every year in January I redesign or redevelop my website with whatever tech suits my fancy. Today I release a new design, similiar to my previous one, but much cleaner, with lots of responsiveness for large displays.

This version is powerd by a lightweight MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) stack.

Typically when I redo my site I am focused on the backend or whatever framework I just came out with and how to improve it. This time I just focused on the desk and content presentation.

This also marks a move off of tumblr which was nice while it lasted. This time I built my own admin editing tools that allow me to upload to GitHub Issues for image hosting, along with a simple Markdown editor using Codemirror.

If you are reading this, you are already probably looking at the design, so...thanks!

MEAN stack and design